About The Community Interpreter®
The Community Interpreter® (TCI) is the only national training program in the U.S. for community interpreters and the leading program for medical interpreters. Highly interactive and skills-based, while incorporating the latest advances in the field, it is designed to be delivered as a 40- to 60-hour certificate program. It has also been adapted for longer programs by colleges and universities.
TCI can be given as a medical interpreting program or geared for educational, social services or general community interpreting, as needed. That flexibility is unique among foundation programs for community interpreters.
Developed by Cross-Cultural Communications (CCC), TCI has more than 400 licensed trainers in 43 U.S. states, Washington, DC, Guam and six other countries.
The Community Interpreter® program was spearheaded by Marjory Bancroft, MA, the Founder of CCC. An immigrant to the U.S. who has lived in eight countries, Marjory is a respected author in the field, sits on international committees and keynotes widely at industry conferences.
About the Program
TCI promotes national ethics and standards of practice in the field and can prepare interpreters to take national medical interpreter certification. The course covers ethics and conduct, basic skills (from pre-session to post-session), positioning and terminology, modes of interpreting, steps for sight translation, strategies for intervention, cultural mediation, and other vital skills and topics.
In addition, this program provides an overview of the interpreting profession and discusses interpreter certification. Role plays, activities and group exercises provide hands-on experience for skills development. Video segments offer demonstrations, and a 453-page textbook (retail: $120) and a 229-page workbook (retail: $60) are included.
The program includes a 90-minute written assessment on the last day of training and offers three levels of certificates for successful candidates:
Level 1: Qualified Interpreter (highest level)
Level 2: Professionally Trained Interpreter
Level 3: Hospitality Interpreter
“I appreciated the variety of trainers, their varied perspective, examples from their vast experience [and] also the excellent text and work books.”
“As bilingual staff I will specifically use the code of ethics and now have more tools to address certain situations. ”
“It has been a great experience to attend, meet such dedicated instructors and learn with a great group of new colleagues to connect with for future reference and moral professional support.”
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
TCI has been approved for continuing education units (CEUs) by the following organizations:
American Translators Association: 10 ATA CEPs
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf: 4.0 RID CEUs
Maryland Court Interpreter Program: 8 CE credits
Ontario Council on Community Interpreting: 40 OCCI PDUs
The Profession
Community interpreting is a growing profession. It encompasses interpreting in health care, education and social services. In the past, family and friends used to interpret in these settings. Today, federal civil rights legislation, national interpreting ethics and standards, hospital accreditation agencies and many state and municipal laws endorse or promote the use of qualified or certified interpreters. A qualified interpreter should, at a minimum, attend professional training and be tested for language proficiency. A certified interpreter would also need to pass a recognized government or professional certification test.
A 40-hour training course is considered by many the minimum threshold for community interpreting. The Community Interpreter® meets this need.